1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the mast.hpc.social moderators.

  1. PLEASE READ: This server is intended to improve communication within the high performance computing community and related fields. Commercial use for non-related purposes, spam, harassment, or other abuse are prohibited. **Accounts violating these conditions will be removed.**
  2. Personal use is permitted, and personal opinions and posts allowed, but please do not co-opt this instance for entirely non-HPC-related commercial or other purposes. Be sure to fill out your profile information to help decide whether to follow or interact.
  3. This server is federated with others in the Mastodon network and may display content from other servers. Selecting the local timeline may increase your fraction of HPC-oriented posts.
  4. Please use hashtags such as #HPC to increase discoverability outside of this server. Using #CamelCase in your hashtag makes it more useful to those who use screen readers, and be sure to add alt text to any media.
  5. Be respectful and aware that abusive or illegal behavior or other violations of server rules will lead to suspension of access.
  6. By selecting “Accept” you certify that you are over 13 years of age and agree to the terms of use and privacy policies for this service.